[Basic] Deviant's Devious Attacking Directives - Travian.in :: Forum: "For those who don’t know me I’m Owen; many people's worst nightmare or best friend. I will apologize for my typing as it’s pretty naff.
I’m a big part of 30dom on speed server. For any of you who have played there, I am Deviant. If not, here I am http://cry.travianteam.com/archive.p...layers&a=30DOM
After seeing some rather ‘’nooby’’ attacks from some of the top alliances, I thought I'd do this as a basic guide.
A nice little thing to do before attacking is message them ingame. Any old random drablle will do, just to see if they read it and are online."
Nothing’s Phone 3A and 3A Pro use AI to organize all your stuff
The Nothing 3A phones were just announced with a new take on the company’s
“make tech more fun again” ethos. These devices have improved hardware over
the ...
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