add a contact me on the opening page of my blog - Blogger Help: "Choice 1:
You can add a widget with a link to your email address, but you'll probably end up with a ton of spam if you do that.
Choice 2:
Make a static 'contact me' page with the comment field activated, and be sure you moderate your comments. I'm finding this one a little clunky - so easy to make a mistake and publish a comment that was only meant for you and not your readers....
Choice 3:
Use a contact form script. A few free sources for such script: (This is what I ended up using, for no special reason. I found it quick, easy, customizable, and anti-spam. The other 2 might be similar, not sure....)
Also apparently Google has a spreadsheet-based form thingy, but I haven't been able to find it.
Can't remember the sources of all this info, except - been finding good info there on various Blogger topics, although some of it is a bit over my head...
Good luck, have fun blogging!"
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