Bypass CPALead Survey Easiest way editing Host file Proxy Block Script: "Block CPA Lead Survey on Windows
Note : You must be logged in using administrator profile and may require to take ownership privilege of files before editing.
1. Go to : C:Windows\system32\drivers\etc\
2. Click on “hosts” file. Select Open with Program as “notepad”
3. And add this two lines at end of the file .
4. Save the file and close the notepad.
Block CPA Lead Survey on Ubuntu or any Linux
1. Open Terminal (Press CTRL + ALT + T in Ubuntu )
2. Pass the command : sudo gedit /etc/hosts
It will ask for your administrator password.After you enter the password editor will open.If linux returned an error “gedit command not found” use other editor which is installed on your system.
3.And add this two lines at end of the file .
4. Save the file and close the notepad.
After you save the file.
wooho! you are done.Now if you are using Firefox, disable Adblock plus(any similar) or add an exception for cpalead.comt and Else this wont work."
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