TECHZONE: STEPS TO INSTALL Windows XP IN JUST 20 MINS: "1. Boot using Windows XP CD
2. When select a partition option comes select “c”.
3. Format the partition with either NTFS or FAT
4. Next you see Press 'ENTER' to Restart your system
Actual trick begins next
5. After rebooting you could see a screen below it saying some 40 minutes to complete or finalize the OS installation.
6. Now you need to open the command prompt by pressing--SHIFT + F10 Key
7. In command prompt enter ' Taskmgr ' (do not enter the double codds enter only the word in red color).This leads you to Task Manager.
8. In Task Manager Click the Process Tab
9.In Process Tab find the process called Setup.exe
10. Right click on the Setup.exe and Set Priority to High or Above Normal by selecting it.
11.Tats all and you could see the installation process completes in about 20 mints."
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5 minutes ago