APKs, their purpose and risk in removal:
Don't Remove:
Safe to Remove:
Don't Remove:
APK | Description |
AccountAndSyncSettings | Syncs settings to Google, especially important to Gmail. |
ApplicationsProvider | Provides the list of installed apps to Play. |
BackupRestoreConfirmation | Restores sync'd Google settings. |
Bluetooth | Bluetooth connection system. |
Browser | Stock Android web browser. |
Camera | Camera app. |
CertInstaller | Wifi certificate installer. When removed, the WIFI will not be turned on. |
CMParts | Settings in Cyanogenmod roms will force close without this. |
CMStats | Will cause CMParts to FC hence Cyanogenmod setting too will FC. |
CMUpdateNotify | Will cause CMParts to FC hence Cyanogenmod setting too will FC. |
Contacts | Your contact list. |
ContactsProvider | Syncs contacts. |
DefaultContainerService | Needed to install apps. |
DownloadProvider | Handles downloading files from Play & Browser. |
Email app. Removal will make it impossible to setup your phone/Play. | |
GoogleCalendarSyncAdapter | sync system for Calendar. |
GoogleContactsSyncAdapter | sync system for Contacts. |
GoogleFeedback | ForceClose reporting for GAPPS. |
GoogleLoginService | Google login system. |
GooglePartnerSetup | In App purchases. |
GoogleServicesFramework | Google login system for Gapps. |
KeyChain | Password tool. |
MediaProvider | Needed to access media files including ringtones. |
Mms | Provides sms and mms services. |
NetworkLocation | Provides location through towers instead of gps. |
PackageInstaller | Installs apps. |
Pacman | Package manager. |
Phone | Phone dialer. |
Settings | Settings system. |
SettingsProvider | Part of the settings sync system. |
SetupWizard | Wizard to setup email. |
Superuser | Handles root/SU permissions. |
SystemUI | Part of the user interface. |
TelephonyProvider | Phone system. |
ThemeChooser | Cyanogenmod theme system. |
ThemeManager | Cyanogenmod theme system. |
Vending | Android Play App. |
Safe to Remove:
APK | Description |
ADWLauncher | Stock launcher for CM7. Must have another launcher installed before removing this. |
Calculator | Calculator app. |
Calendar | Calender app. Other calender app maybe dependent on this so other calender app mayn't work. |
CalendarProvider | Calendar sync. |
CarHomeGoogle | Car Dock app |
CMScreenshot | Cyanogenmod screen capture application. |
Cyanbread | Stock Cyanogenmod theme. Must have other theme applied before deleting this. |
DeskClock | Clock and Alarm app. |
DownloadProviderUi | Browser download interface. If removed, you won't see download status. |
DrmProvider | Handles DRM for media that contains it. |
DSPManager | Digital Sound Processing. |
Exchange | Email transport system. |
FM | FM app. Alternates available in Android Play. |
Gallery2 | Android gallery. |
Gmail | Gmail app. |
GoogleTTS | Text to speech. |
HTMLViewer | Filters html to be more compatible. |
LatinIME | On screen keyboard. |
MediaUploader | Share media from the Gallery with MMS, Bluetooth, Email, Picasa. |
Music | Music player. |
PicoTts | Text to speech. Required by Google Maps. |
Provision | New phone setup wizard. If removed, will cause lockscreen to disappear in CM9 |
SoundRecorder | Sound recorder. |
Talk | Google Talk. |
Trebuchet | Stock launcher for CM9. Must have another launcher installed before removing this. |
TtsService | Text to Speech. Required by Google Navigator from Google Maps. |
UserDictionaryProvider | Dictionary for word prediction on keyboards. |
VpnDialogs | Part of the VPN system. |
WAPPushManager | Tethering connectivity. |
APK | Description |
AndroidTerm | Android Terminal. |
Androidian | Androidian Theme. Can be downloaded from Android Play. |
ChromeBookmarksSyncAdapter | Syncs Chrome bookmarks. |
CMWallpapers | Default CM wallpapers. |
Development | Development app. |
Fotakill | Disables over the air updates. |
Galaxy4 | Live Wallpaper. |
GalleryGoogle | Gallery appears two times whenever you try to open file or select wallpaper. |
GenieWidget | Stock news and weather app. |
GoogleBackupTransport | Handles backup of settings. |
GoogleQuickSearchBox | Search box widget. |
HoloSpiralWallpaper | Live Wallpaper. |
LatinImeTutorial | Tutorial for on-screen keyboard. |
LiveWallpapers | Live wallpapers. |
LiveWallpapersPicker | Live wallpaper Picker. |
MagicSmokeWallpapers | Live wallpaper. |
MarketUpdater | Starts with Market/Play and checks for updates. |
NoiseField | Live wallpaper. |
OneTimeInitializer | Runs after first flashing of Gapps to allow you to chose which you want. |
PhaseBeam | Live wallpaper. |
Protips | Tips widget. |
QuickSearchBox | Search box widget. |
RomManager | Rom Manager App |
SharedStorageBackup | something related to USB. |
SpareParts | Extra settings for Cyanogenmod. |
Stk | Sim Tool Kit. Required if you use SIM applications. |
VideoEditor | Video Editor. |
VisualizationWallpapers | Live wallpapers. |
VoiceDialer | Voice dialing. |
VoiceSearch | Voice search. |
Mobile Reference Guide: April 2012
[FAQ]Rooting, Custom recovery, Custom rom and Android Glossary
[FAQ][GUIDE]Decrapify your Android
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