Slow Bit Torrent downloads? Router configuration tips. - AfterDawn: Forums: "to find your routers ip address so you can log into it and work with its ports. to find your routers IP, do this
1. Go to 'Start ---- Run' and type in 'cmd'
2. This opens a black 'dos' screen, don't be alarmed. type
ipconfig /all
3. you will see some information like this
your routers Ip address is going to be the 'Default Gateway' and in most linksys cases,
4. You need to go to a web browser, and type in that ip address where you would normally go to a website, like this
5. you will be prompted for a user name and password, and if you have linksys, and never have been here before, it will be
user name : admin
password : admin"
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As they say, check the TandCs before going ahead?
59 seconds ago