Notes on Integration: modifying JAR files: "What you need to do is use the JAR utility that comes with JDK. This way you can insert you class file and create a new JAR that your application can pick up.
1) use the following command to 'unzip' or expand your jar:
> jar xf .jar
This will cause the contents of the JAr to be extracted in the current directory.
2) Make your changes .. replace class file.. whatever.
3) use the following command to 'zip' or create your new jar:
jar cf jar-file input-file(s)/folder
Of course, the Sun site has detailed information.
You could also use the u parameter to update only the files you need.
jar -uf .jar"
Travis Hills of Minnesota Focuses on Enhancing Soil Health and Boosting
Crop Yields Through Nutrient-Rich Dry Fertilizers
Travis Hills of Minnesota' efforts extend to enhancing soil health and
agricultural productivity. Livestock Water & Energy produces nutrient-rich
dry fert...
9 minutes ago