Thursday, March 22, 2012

[Collection] Custom Boot Animations and Splash Screens - xda-developers

[Collection] Custom Boot Animations and Splash Screens - xda-developers: "Big credits go to Pseudoremora and Krizno"

Boot Animations
Krynj's Android Boot Animation: Thread / Download

Wrx4memp's Boot Animations: Boom Boots / Hot Like Fire / Can't Fade My Evo

Bjaxon's Droid Boot Animation (Pseudoremora with the assist): Post / Bootanimation  / Bootsound 

Akastixx's BIOS boot screen - EVO Edition: Thread / Bootanimation / Bootsound

DanceDroid Boot Animation: Thread / Preview  / Download

12MaNy's Boot Animation: Preview  / Thread / Animation  / Boot Sound  / Silent Boot Animation 

Badious's Boot Animation: Preview / Download Download (without DROID text) / Check out his matching splash screen below!

Pseudoremora's Boot Animation: Post / Download / Flashable Zip 

LCARS Custom Boot Animation by Jeremy Herrmann: Thread / Download / Signed Zip - Updated

RickBaller's "Magic Word" Boot Animation: Thread / Download / Flashable Zip 

Unknownforce's Boot Animation: Preview / Download

DroidX Boot Animation: Thread / / Boot sound / Flashable Zip - Updated

Qteknology's Splash Inverted v2: Preview  / Download  / Inverted v2 - Flashable Zip  / Black Splash on White Background - Download 

Metropolis by Qteknology: Preview  Download  / Flashable Zip 

Boing by Qteknology: Preview  / Download  / Flashable Zip 

Squares by Qteknology: Preview  / Download  / Flashable Zip 

Nexus Repacked for G1/G2 with 320px Horizontal: Preview  / Download 

Decepticon: Preview  / Download  / Flashable Zip 

Haters Gonna Hate: Thread / Download  - resized

Android Peeing on Apple - Cyanogen Edition - Fixed by PseudoremoraPreview  / Download 

Random Threads: Android Scribble (3 Versions) / Android Supernova / Android BIOS / Nexus Logo with BSOD / Froyo Boot Animation / Various Boot Animations 

Custom Splash Screens:
Buzzwyzr's Splash Screen (ManUp rEVOlution Mod): Post / Download

Shift_'s Custom CM6-Snap Splash Screens: Post/Preview/Download - New Hotness

FattSpark's Android Splash Screen: Android - Evo 4g / Halo Splash Screens

Violent23's Splash Screen: Thread / Preview / Download

Rodneym13's Splash Screen: Post / Preview  / Download

Badious's Splash Screen: Preview / Download 

12MaNy's Custom Splash Screens: Thread - HOT

Unknownforce's Splash Screen: Thread / Download 

Geniusdog254's Splash Screens: Thread / Black on Red Evo 4g / Red on Black Evo 4g

RickBaller's Custom Splash Screen: Thread / Download 

JSZESZE's Splash Screens
White on Black Splash Screen: Thread / Download
Apple Killer Splash Screens: Thread - HOT

Barnacles10 Evo 4g XDA Splash Screens: Thread / Black and White Splash  Color Splash 

Corwinmortac's Splash Screens: Thread / Ghostrider Tux / FroyoEvo / Ghost in the Shell - Laughing Man /Eeeeevo

The Rubinator's Splash Screens
Green Android Splash: Thread / Download
Skeleton Evo 4g Splash: Thread / Download

jonschoning's minimal splash screens: Post
'via Blog this'

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