Saturday, January 7, 2012

[Batch] sFix - System file repair tool that works even when SFC fails.

[Batch] sFix - System file repair tool that works even when SFC fails.: "Here is my batch file rendition of a system file repair tool. I haven't really tested it much, so any feedback you can offer would be great.

sFix [filename] [architecture]
the name of the file to repair (e.g. slmgr.vbs).
the target architecture (e.g. x64).
Note that most 64bit windows operating systems also contain 32bit files,
so the [architecture] you specify should refer to the architecture build
of the target file itself, not necessarily the primary architecture of the
operating system!"

On a 64bit Windows operating system when running the 64bit CMD interpreter:
64bit system files can be accessed from the "System32" folder.
32bit system files can be accessed from the "SysWOW64" folder.
On a 64bit Windows operating system when running the 32bit CMD interpreter:
64bit system files can be accessed from the "Sysnative" virtualization folder.
32bit system files can be accessed from the "System32" redirected folder.
On a 32bit Windows operating system:
64bit system files cannot be used and are not present.
32bit system files can be accessed from the "System32" folder.

  • sFix winver.exe x86
  • sFix winver.exe x64

:: sfix 0.4 by anemeros :: restores system files from their winsxs originals :: params = [filename] [architecture]  :h  @echo off  setlocal enableextensions  if "%~1" equ "" (goto :help)  echo.%*|find "?">nul  if %ERRORLEVEL% equ 0 (goto :help)  set tgtpath=%SystemRoot%\System32  echo.%1|find /i "\syswow64">nul  if %ERRORLEVEL% equ 0 (set tgtpath=%SystemRoot%\SysWOW64)  set arch1=  echo.%2|find "64">nul  if %ERRORLEVEL% equ 0 (set arch1=x64)  echo.%2|find "32">nul  if %ERRORLEVEL% equ 0 (set arch1=x86)  echo.%2|find "86">nul  if %ERRORLEVEL% equ 0 (set arch1=x86)  if "%arch1%" equ "" (echo.Invalid target architecture specification.&exit /b 1)  if exist "%SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\cmd.exe" (set arch0=x64) else (set arch0=x86)  if "%arch0%" equ "x86" if "%arch1%" equ "x64" (echo.There are no 64bit system files on a 32bit windows operating system.&exit /b 1)  if "%arch0%" equ "x64" if "%arch1%" equ "x86" (set tgtpath=%SystemRoot%\SysWOW64)  set tgt=%tgtpath%\%~1  call :maketemps  :m  for /f "usebackq" %%n in (`dir /s /b "%SystemRoot%\winsxs\%~1"^|find /i "%arch1:~1%_microsoft"`) do set src=%%n  if "%src%" equ "" (echo. - No file was copied; the backup was not found.&exit /b 1)  for /f "tokens=4-5 delims=\_" %%a in ("%t%") do echo.source:  %%b (%%a)  %tgt%  echo.  echo.status:  echo.  icacls "%tgt%" /save %ttacl%>nul  takeown /f "%tgt%">nul  icacls "%tgt%" /grant *s-1-1-0:f>nul  move /y "%tgt%" %trash%>nul  copy /y "%src%" "%tgt%">nul 

'via Blog this'


  1. I'm really not into technology that much so this might be very useful for individuals who don't know much about computers and repairs like me. I'd like to try this one. Hope it will work. Thanks!

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